Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Author: Kevin Lewis O’Neill

Title: Islands, Enclaves, and the Offshoring of Clerical Sexual Abuse

Subtitle: -

Journal: Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Volume: (Published online before print)


Year: 2025

Pages: 12pp. (PDF)

pISSN: 0002-7189 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 1477-4585 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century | American History: Caribbean History, U.S. History | Cases: Real Incidents / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Types: Child Sexual Abuse, Clergy Sexual Abuse


Link: Oxford Academic (Restricted Access)


Author: Kevin Lewis O’Neill, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto - Personal Website

Abstract: »Between 1952 and 1968, a Roman Catholic religious order known as the Servants of the Paraclete sought, bought, and finally sold several small islands in the Caribbean for priests said to be unable to stop “sin[ning] repeatedly with little children.” This article, in response, details the Servants of the Paraclete’s mid-twentieth-century efforts at offshoring sexually abusive priests in and then beyond the Caribbean. It is an historical account that pushes scholars of clerical sexual abuse to engage the interstitial spaces that Church leaders have long sought for its perpetrators while at the same time flagging for students of sovereignty and the nation-state that mid-century practices of offshoring shaped not only the history of capitalism but also the history of the Roman Catholic Church.« (Source: Journal of the American Academy of Religion)

  Abstract (p. 1)
  Island (p. 2)
  Sought (p. 4)
  Bought (p. 6)
  Sold (p. 8)
  The World (p. 10)
  References (p. 11)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of the United States | Catholic Church: Catholic Church sexual abuse cases / Catholic Church sex abuse cases in the United States | Catholic Church: Religious congregation / Congregation of the Servants of the Paraclete: | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse / Child sexual abuse in the United States